Granted, humans are instinctively saw himself foremost. This is an undeniable fact. Different species with the idea all this.
If we take into account the other's mind, like that idea yourself. Themselves to be part of the other party entirely. We hope the other parties will be happy. Just as we expect our own happiness. Because the happiness of another is like our own happiness. Which are the only men in the art of doing this.I want you "Do what the eyes" see Ash I think he was kidding. Then you will see a return in the form of "Ecstasy" certainly come back.Many times you may be disappointed Because things Not as you think, but in the end the joy is beyond frustrated. It will happen to you.Suppose you are driving on the road is very narrow. Then there is another car park. Try to dodge a car that is a party of it. At first you may feel that the results are not anything special worth to mention just a few months away, but the next. You will find that this will be another party who avoid the car for you. Then you'll feel it.Similarly, try to greet friends or school. Sincere friend at work about it. The result will be like driving cases. The first is their May greet you answer as a courtesy only. But before long, the other party is a party to greet you before it starts up.When you accumulate capabilities. "Done without selfish" way above. The ability to love someone else, it is more as well.