Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, structure, properties and change of matter.[1][2] Chemistry includes topics such as the properties of individual atoms, how atoms form chemical bonds to create chemical compounds, the interactions of substances through intermolecular forces that give matter its general properties, and the interactions between substances through chemical reactions to form different substances.
Chemistry is sometimes called the central science because it bridges other natural sciences, including physics, geology and biology. For the differences between chemistry
and physics see Comparison of chemistry and physics.
Scholars disagree about the etymology of the word chemistry. The history of chemistrycan be traced to alchemy, which had been practiced for several millennia in various parts of the world.
Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy. Many people think of chemists as being white-coated scientists mixing strange liquids in a laboratory, but the truth is we are all chemists.
Doctors, nurses and veterinarians must study chemistry, but understanding basic chemistry concepts is important for almost every profession. Chemistry is part of everything in our lives.
Every material in existence is made up of matter — even our own bodies. Chemistry is involved in everything we do, from growing and cooking food to cleaning our homes and bodies to launching a space shuttle. Chemistry is one of the physical sciences that help us to describe and explain our world.
Chemistry is not limited to beakers and laboratories. It is all around us, and the better we know chemistry, the better we know our world.