In this solution culture experiment, the shoot Zn
concentration increased greatly with increasing Zn
supply, but did not vary according to the P supply
(Table 5). The shoot P concentrations were elevated
significantly not only by higher P supplies but also
by the low Zn level. The extent of the Blow-Zn
effect^ on the shoot P concentration depended on
the P supply and was most prominent at high P. At
low Zn, the shoot Mg and Cu concentrations were
not affected by the P level and significantly higher
than at higher Zn levels. However, at medium and
high Zn, the low-P treatment was associated with
markedly lower Mg and Cu concentrations in shoots
as compared to the medium-P and high-P treatments.
Significantly elevated Mn concentrations were measured
in shoots under both the low-Zn and low-P