Buying things that worth for the price seems to be one way to reduce the expenses and improve the economy.Most people tend to focus on things that are expensive but does not focus on trinket. It's the little people do not give much importance. Even saving a little, but the report believes that if practiced regularly. It can help to reduce expenses significantly. In this case, for example, to buy soap. Which is intended to be used to purify and cleanse the body's use or laundry detergent instead. Most consumers today pay more attention to advertising, too. Sometimes buy the product because it is in advertising. Meanwhile, some other brands that do not advertise or reputation may be of value to consumers than
mathematics plays an important role in the daily lives of human beings. However, because mathematics is a discipline was very complicated. The new version has lower priority and do not pay attention to education. However, the report recognizes the importance and the need to study in order to apply and pass on to consumers. Because there are currently many manufacturers are trying to exploit the consumers. As the report is one group of consumers. So there is a need to study the shape of the soap. So as not to hit the exploitation
project activities mathematical shapes of soap. The interesting activity report To help solve problems, and to solve the questions of how to buy soap to provide the most value. By taking into account the shape and volume. Students learn about the different shapes in equal volume. And also bring about the mathematics involved to help figure out any shape to be able to take on living as long as possible. For the benefit of all consumers. The report will be tested by the soap makers in various shapes. And to try to shape it will take the longest.