120 minutes
The water element within us is located in the lower abdomen.
It governs fertility, sexual virility, self-worth and creativity.
It is also associated with emotional balance, desire and pleasure.
This center helps us to let go and find a healthy balance in life.
When it is functioning well, this space brings enhanced emotional
gratification, higher self-esteem and free flowing creative energy.
This nurturing treatment combines a deep lymphatic scrub, flowing
massage and chakra warming with the nourishing oils
of jasmine, patchouli, rose and sandalwood.
Happiness is renewed and the desire for life
and love is reinvigorated.
WATER ESSENCE (SWADHISTHANA)120 minutesThe water element within us is located in the lower abdomen.It governs fertility, sexual virility, self-worth and creativity.It is also associated with emotional balance, desire and pleasure.This center helps us to let go and find a healthy balance in life.When it is functioning well, this space brings enhanced emotionalgratification, higher self-esteem and free flowing creative energy.This nurturing treatment combines a deep lymphatic scrub, flowingmassage and chakra warming with the nourishing oilsof jasmine, patchouli, rose and sandalwood.Happiness is renewed and the desire for lifeand love is reinvigorated.
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