Born to Kaniehtí:io nine months after her relationship with Haytham abruptly ended, Ratonhnhaké:ton was raised in his mother's village of Kanatahséton. His childhood was spent in the company of the other children in his village, including Kanen'tó:kon, whom he remained friends with into his later life.[3]
When Ratonhnhaké:ton was four, he ventured into the grounds outside his village to play hide-and-seek alongside the other Kanien'kehá:ka children. While he managed to locate all of the others on his turn, he was assaulted by members of the Templar Order as he hid, who were seeking the Precursor site rumored to be near Kanatahséton. Despite his capture, he defiantly demanded to know the name of the leader of the group, and Charles Lee answered him, amusedly inquiring why the child wanted to know. Ratonhnhaké:ton then promised that he would find Lee, but the Templar only brushed off his statement.[3]
Proving useless to the Templars' aims, Ratonhnhaké:ton was knocked unconscious, only to wake up and find his village in flames. This event led Ratonhnhaké:ton to mistakenly assume that Lee and his Templar brethren had been responsible for Kanatahséton's razing, with his conviction made stronger in the fact that the fire had taken his mother from him, and would later prompt Ratonhnhaké:ton to seek justice for his people and fight tyranny wherever he came across it.[3]
Joining the Assassins
"The others in the village – they thought this was something I wanted. Something I chose to do. But it never felt that way to me. No, it was not a choice. It was an obligation."
―Ratonhnhaké:ton, on seeking the Assassins.[src]