Board Committees
The Board has established an Audit Committee (the “Audit
Committee”), a Remuneration Committee (the “Remuneration
Committee”), a Nomination Committee (the “Nomination
Committee”) and a Strategic Committee (the “Strategic
Committee”) (collectively the “Committees”) to oversee specific
aspects of the Company’s affairs. The Committees report to the
Board regularly, and have been provided with sufficient resources
to discharge their respective duties. To reinforce independence,
the chairman of the Committees other than the Strategic Committee
is an INED. Each of the Committees has adopted specific terms of
reference covering its duties, powers and functions which will be
reviewed by the Board from time to time. The Company Secretary
also acts as secretary of the Committees. The Committees adopt
as far as practicable, the procedures and arrangement of the
Board Meeting in relation to the conduct of meetings, notice of
meetings and recording of minutes. Further particulars of each of
the Committees are set out below: