Welcome to [GRMLNS]
We have one primary goal: to overcome the poor teams that the Match Making system currently puts together. We will do this by platooning which removes the possibility of below average players being put on the team. Platoons of good players consistently see higher win rates which means more credits and more exp.
We will help you do your X2s and hope you will do the same for other clan members. We are also happy to help you when you are grinding up a line of tanks. We have done some Stronghold battles and enjoy it very much, but feel that the Stronghold mode needs some significant changes made so have discontinued skirmishes.
We do not feel that we own anyone. You are free to leave the clan at any time if you do not think it is to your advantage to be a member of the clan, no hard feelings. If you leave the clan then later regret it, we would most likely welcome you back. We understand...stuff happens...it happens to us sometimes too :)