Telecommunication Industry: - Telecommunication services
have grown from local and long distance voice communication
services to fax, pager, cellular phones and e-mails. Now the
telecommunication services have integrated with the
computer, internet, and network and with other communication
technologies. Due to the advancements in telecommunication
technologies and to work these technologies effectively, Data
Mining techniques integrated with these technologies to
produce effective results. Data Mining helps to identify
telecommunications patterns, fraud activities and also helps to
better use of resources and improve the quality of services.
Retail Industry: -Data Mining plays an important role in the
retail industry also. Retail industry involves large amount of
data that includes transportation, sales and consumptions of
goods and services. This data grows rapidly due to increase in
purchase and sales in business. These days, E-commerce is
growing fast with the growth of companies and also improving
the online experience. Electronic commerce describes the
buying and selling of products, services, and information via
computer networks including the Internet