Target Dates
__________ Develop a green policy (can be done after forming your Green
Implementation Team)
__________ Form a Green Implementation Team
__________ Progress Update
__________ Progress Update
__________ Green Plan Review and Approval
__________ Implementation Update
__________ Implementation Update
__________ Implementation Update
__________ Year 1 Report
__________ Year 2 Plan
Strategy Review
The Organization Greening Policy/Guidelines will be reviewed in the XX year after it
comes into effect and every five years thereafter.
Sample Terms of Reference ‐ Green Implementation Team
The organization’s Green Implementation Team has been asked by the Senior Lead (e.g.,
CEO) to develop a Green Plan for the Organization. The Organization’s Green
Implementation Team will use the One Simple Act at Work Toolkit to guide the
development and implementation of the Plan and will report back to the Senior Lead on
implementation prior to the end of DATE.
The organization’s Green Implementation Team will consist of a cross‐functional team of
about four to eight individuals. Consideration should be given to potential
representation from the following functions:
Human Resources
Information Technology