The topic of homelessness presents itself through images of poverty, substance abuse, domestic violence, war, and crime. It is not a pretty picture and no one has solved the problem. These are the issues most apparent to the onlooker. . . leaving the impression that the homeless population is comprised of lazy, unself-regulated individuals who deserve to be living on the streets.
However the face of homelessness in America becomes more diverse each day . It includes educated individuals, families, runaway teens, abandoned parents, victims of domestic violence or divorce, and people who simply do not have enough income to live. Contributing factors to homelessness include lack of affordable housing, lack of livable wages, lack of health care, policies and politics that fail to support humanity.
The intent of this webquest is to give students an accurate picture of the problem of homelessness in America, to encourage inquiry and dialogue, and to foster compassion and advocacy by assuming a decision-making role within a community.