The study also revealed that solid waste management according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy was at
the intermediate level, where the mean and standard deviation were X = 3.40 and S.D. = 0.449. Considering each
aspects of the solid waste management of the fort troops, the study found that 2 aspects were ranked in the high level
while 3 aspects were ranked in the intermediate level. The integrity condition under the philosophy was ranked as
high in relation to the solid waste management (X = 3.70, S.D. = 0.655), followed by the knowledge condition (X =
3.50, S.D. = 0.594). The self-immunity condition was ranked the least (X=3.05, S.D. = 0.648).
Comparing the solid waste management following the philosophy of sufficiency economy by individual traits,
including gender, age, marriage status, rank classification level, educational background, income, size of household,
accessibility to the information of sufficiency economy philosophy, and knowledge of waste management, the study
found that there was no statistically significant difference among traits.
By employing the variance analysis to compare the differences between the average scores of solid waste
management, the study showed that there were differences within 2 pillars. Those were moderate pillar, classified by
the rank classification levels and rationality pillar, classified by the Comparison of solid waste management
under sufficient economic philosophy based on the individual factors such as gender, age, marriage status, rank
classification level, educational background, income, size of household, and accessibility to the information
regarding sufficiency economy philosophy and knowledge of waste management
Comparison of solid waste management under sufficiency economy philosophy classified the individual factors.
The study result found when using the variance analysis result to compare the different values of waste management
behaviour in sufficiency economy philosophy classified by personal factor such as gender, age, marriage status, rank
classification level, educational background, income, size of household, and accessibility to the information, a
statistic insignificant different to level 0.05.
Furthermore, when considered the variance analysis result to compare the different of score average of waste
management behaviour in sufficiency economy philosophy in terms of income. It was found that they were different
two sector first was moderateness, second was rationality based on accessibility to information about sufficiency
economy philosophy. The moderateness pillar, classified by the military ranking demonstrated a statistical value of
0.004. Within these rankings, commission officers had higher statistical value than employees. However, there was
no difference of the waste management following the philosophy of sufficiency economy in Pha-Yot Mueang
Kwang fort between commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers.
Additionally, under the rationality pillar, accessibility to information about the philosophy demonstrated a
statistically significant difference at the level of 0.01. Such differences were elaborated in television, radio,
magazine and household members had higher value than others. However, there was no difference between
accessibility to information through newspaper and others following the rationality pillar under the philosophy of
sufficiency economic relating to the waste management of Pha-Yot Mueang Kwang fort.
4. Discussion
The knowledge of solid waste management based on sufficiency economy philosophy in Pha-Yot Mueang
Kwang fort was ranked as high. However, when relating the knowledge of waste management to the philosophy of
sufficient economy, the average value fell into the middle level. Its result was similar to the study of Poopakdee
(2012), who studied the factor affecting the waste management in households of people in Subdistrict Adminstrative
Organization Bueng Wichai Amphur Mueng Kalasin province, in which it was elaborated that the head of the family
or housekeepers in Subdistrict Adminstrative Organization Bueng Wichai Amphur Mueng Kalasin province had
high level of knowledge about household waste management while the overall of household waste management fell
into the intermediate level. Sithichon Nambothr (2012) also explained that in order to construct effective waste
management, it was important to have practitioners with a realization of real value in the practice. Mainstream
consumption, leading to consumerism may cause internal and external shocks. In contrast, consumption with
reasonableness and with consideration in all modes of conduct could prevent the long term impacts on society and
environment. To achieve this, the application of consciousness and knowledge with prudence should be kept in mind
of everyone in every society. Rules and regulations could not be built alone, unless the actions of practice are initiated and developed. It was also important to evaluate those practices by following up the actions. Unnecessary or useless practices must be replaced with a more practical one.