Although,it would be impossible for an individual to maintain the derived power units that are calculated on an entire minute base,it makes it convennient for comparative purposes because of the frequent use of per-minute power units in exercise physiology.
found that peak Anaerobic Power usually occurred at the eighth-second of the Wingate test.
the power output may decline due to fatigue by as much as 40% from the first 5-s period to the last 5-s period.
thus, a person is not expected to exercise for 1 min at either the calculated anaerobic power or anaerobic capacity scores.
the scores presented in table 8.2 are for comparative purposes.
they should not be used to classify people because they are not based upon large representative samples.
Scores for children are available also in the study of the male nonathletic population.
the scores from the men's U.S. Olympic volleyball team were derived from tests in which the force setting represented 10%