bottom-up Approach to security Selection
focuses on company specific fundamentals
identify factory by which to screen the investment universe e.g. valuation
collect further information on companies that pass the screen
identify those that constitute investment based on other company-specific criteria outlook macro trends
Equity Portfolio Management
Value Investing Style
More concerned about stock's relative cheapness than about its growth prospects
Look for low price relative to earnings or book value
Earnings tend to revert to mean, presenting opportunities when earnings are temporarilly depressed
Investors overpay for "glamour" stock, presenting opportunities elsewhere
Risks faced by the investor
Stocks may be cheap for a good reason "value trap" need to consider momentum
Correction of mispricing may require longer time than investment horizon
Growth Investing Style
Believe future earnings growth justifies higher current P/E ratio
Requires market to continue paying a premium for the greater growth prospects
Risk that expected growth fails to materialize
Core Satellite Protfolios
Overall asset allocation stretegy in which there is a passive core (that uses indexed or enhanced index portfolios) and several active "satellite" portfolios
Satellite porfolios are in areas where there are price inefficiencies and/or where managers have spacific skills
Alpha and BetaSeparation
Long only active portfolio has exposure to beta (market return) and alpha Zmanager skill
Long short market neutral portfolio and explicitly pay for alpha generated from a longshort portfolio
Separates fees for (cheap) beta and (expensive) alpha