This study demonstrates that systems tracts composing
sequences can be found in fully back-barrier successions that do
not include the shoreline, and therefore, they can be documented
also where shoreline transgressions and regressions cannot be
directly recognized. As shown across the surface S2, different
depositional trends can be expressed by the abrupt superposition
of distinct generations of tidal channels and tidal and subtidal
flats, reflecting local physiographic changes that are the consequencehydrodynamic changes in adjacent areas, as testified by the surface
S3 that reflects a local transgressive episode affecting the
southern lagoon. Finally, the persistence of a back-barrier environment
during highstand conditions also favored the development
of surfaces that are more characteristic of transgressive
phases, such as TRSs related to tidal currents.
of the interplay between the rates of base-level rise and of
local sediment supply in adjacent areas. Moreover, variations of
depositional trends of local significance can also be recorded by
This study demonstrates that systems tracts composingsequences can be found in fully back-barrier successions that donot include the shoreline, and therefore, they can be documentedalso where shoreline transgressions and regressions cannot bedirectly recognized. As shown across the surface S2, differentdepositional trends can be expressed by the abrupt superpositionof distinct generations of tidal channels and tidal and subtidalflats, reflecting local physiographic changes that are the consequencehydrodynamic changes in adjacent areas, as testified by the surfaceS3 that reflects a local transgressive episode affecting thesouthern lagoon. Finally, the persistence of a back-barrier environmentduring highstand conditions also favored the developmentof surfaces that are more characteristic of transgressivephases, such as TRSs related to tidal currents.of the interplay between the rates of base-level rise and oflocal sediment supply in adjacent areas. Moreover, variations ofdepositional trends of local significance can also be recorded by
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