Program A (Fig. 4):The frequency correction signal
is added to the power command by the speed limits
as a set value is input to the SP-side of the PID
regulator. The advantage: the frequency or speed
deviation and the load change of unit have a certain
relationship. In any conditions of the unit operation,
the certain amount of frequency (or speed) deviation
will produce theoretically the load change with the
same magnitude and rate. It is helpful to the operation of the function of secondary frequency
regulation. The disadvantage: because of a
correction signal as a fixed value, making the
function of primary frequency regulation can only
work in the case of the PID loop of CCS system is
put in. 1. When the CCS control system do not vote
their power circuit for some own reason, the function
of primary frequency regulation can not be put into
operation. 2. Because through the regulator, the
response time of the function of primary frequency
regulation is controlled by the parameter of regulator.
• Program B (Fig. 4):The frequency correction signal
is added to the power command and then it by the
speed limits as a set value is input to the SP-side of
the PID regulator. This approach generally does not
merit. The rate is limited to the back of correction
operation, when the stable operation of units, AGC
or CCS instructions does not change, the function of
primary frequency regulation can play a role within
the limits of the rate. However, when the unit is in a
variable load stage (It often occurs with that the unit
put into operation with AGC), the same direction
(The low frequency during the Plus load or high
frequency during load shedding) of function of
primary frequency regulation was banned.
Through the analysis of DEH and CCS a variety of
primary frequency regulation, a reasonable method of
primary frequency regulation should be completed by both
of the frequency correction (frequency modulation) function
of CCS system and frequency modulation function of DEH
system. Therefore, the system spawned several frequency
modulation way: (1) DEH Frequency Modulation Function
with DEH system manually or valve position control mode,
it is equivalent to the function of primary frequency
regulation of past Synchronizer Hydraulic Regulating Units,
the advantage is that the fast response to load, however,
because of the nonlinear valve flow characteristics and
operation conditions of different parameters, it can not
accurately achieve margin requirement of parameter index
on the static; (2) DEH frequency correction (frequency
modulation) function when the power circuit with automatic
mode, the advantage is that load response is fast, it can
achieve margin requirement of parameter index on the static,
but the state can not participate in regulating unit of CCS and
AGC; (3) DEH Frequency Modulation Function with both
DEH system in the remote control and turbine master in
manual mode, it is equivalent to approach 1 at this point; (4)
CCS frequency correction (frequency modulation) function
with both DEH system in the remote control and turbine
master in Power Regulator mode, the advantage is that it can
achieve margin requirement of parameter index, but the load
response is slow; (5) CCS frequency correction (frequency
modulation) function with AGC mode, it is equivalent to
approach 4 at this point. As the CCS frequency correction
(frequency modulation) function to be achieved through the
PID, if the frequency modulation speed of unit does not meet
the requirements, it should combine with the DEH function
of primary frequency regulation of approach 1) In the
approach (4) and approach (5), to improve the response
speed of frequency modulation, and ensure the margin
requirement of parameter index.
When the units work in AGC or CCS, In order to
respond quickly to load schedule, it do not use steam turbine
master regulator mode, so it doesn’t require temporarily the
function of primary frequency regulation in the mode.
The template is used to format your paper and style the
text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts
are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note
peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template
measures proportionately more than is customary. This
measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications
that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire
proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do
not revise any of the current designations
Program A (Fig. 4):The frequency correction signalis added to the power command by the speed limitsas a set value is input to the SP-side of the PIDregulator. The advantage: the frequency or speeddeviation and the load change of unit have a certainrelationship. In any conditions of the unit operation,the certain amount of frequency (or speed) deviationwill produce theoretically the load change with thesame magnitude and rate. It is helpful to the operation of the function of secondary frequencyregulation. The disadvantage: because of acorrection signal as a fixed value, making thefunction of primary frequency regulation can onlywork in the case of the PID loop of CCS system isput in. 1. When the CCS control system do not votetheir power circuit for some own reason, the functionof primary frequency regulation can not be put intooperation. 2. Because through the regulator, theresponse time of the function of primary frequencyregulation is controlled by the parameter of regulator.• Program B (Fig. 4):The frequency correction signalis added to the power command and then it by thespeed limits as a set value is input to the SP-side ofthe PID regulator. This approach generally does notmerit. The rate is limited to the back of correctionoperation, when the stable operation of units, AGCor CCS instructions does not change, the function ofprimary frequency regulation can play a role withinthe limits of the rate. However, when the unit is in avariable load stage (It often occurs with that the unitput into operation with AGC), the same direction(The low frequency during the Plus load or highfrequency during load shedding) of function ofprimary frequency regulation was banned.Through the analysis of DEH and CCS a variety ofprimary frequency regulation, a reasonable method ofprimary frequency regulation should be completed by bothof the frequency correction (frequency modulation) functionof CCS system and frequency modulation function of DEHsystem. Therefore, the system spawned several frequencymodulation way: (1) DEH Frequency Modulation Functionwith DEH system manually or valve position control mode,it is equivalent to the function of primary frequencyregulation of past Synchronizer Hydraulic Regulating Units,the advantage is that the fast response to load, however,because of the nonlinear valve flow characteristics andoperation conditions of different parameters, it can notaccurately achieve margin requirement of parameter indexon the static; (2) DEH frequency correction (frequencymodulation) function when the power circuit with automaticmode, the advantage is that load response is fast, it canachieve margin requirement of parameter index on the static,but the state can not participate in regulating unit of CCS andAGC; (3) DEH Frequency Modulation Function with bothDEH system in the remote control and turbine master inmanual mode, it is equivalent to approach 1 at this point; (4)CCS frequency correction (frequency modulation) functionwith both DEH system in the remote control and turbinemaster in Power Regulator mode, the advantage is that it canachieve margin requirement of parameter index, but the loadresponse is slow; (5) CCS frequency correction (frequencymodulation) function with AGC mode, it is equivalent toapproach 4 at this point. As the CCS frequency correction(frequency modulation) function to be achieved through thePID, if the frequency modulation speed of unit does not meetthe requirements, it should combine with the DEH functionof primary frequency regulation of approach 1) In theapproach (4) and approach (5), to improve the responsespeed of frequency modulation, and ensure the marginrequirement of parameter index.When the units work in AGC or CCS, In order torespond quickly to load schedule, it do not use steam turbinemaster regulator mode, so it doesn’t require temporarily thefunction of primary frequency regulation in the mode.The template is used to format your paper and style thetext. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fontsare prescribed; please do not alter them. You may notepeculiarities. For example, the head margin in this templatemeasures proportionately more than is customary. Thismeasurement and others are deliberate, using specificationsthat anticipate your paper as one part of the entireproceedings, and not as an independent document. Please donot revise any of the current designations
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