Today. borderless world It's not in a imagination anymore. Communication technologies, be it PC notebook Mobile phone overseas as an important factor of human life. All, everyone, especially Teens with technology, it's Together.
Borderless world State. Provide clear and concise definition, that is, the word "globalization" or "Globalization implied meaning of the term" globalization ", it is a condition of this borderless world is the effects resulting from the research of innovative farming fast computer technology. Merge with the progress of the technology of communication, because communication technology is modern.Advancement can communicate quickly. High flexibility allows the possibility of in one hemisphere On the other hand, can be seen in one hemisphere at a time, just evil seconds. As a result, has said that making the world smaller and narrower, which in the aftermath of this globalized property growth is said to affect every industry in both the commercial, industrial, social, educational, political, science, the environment, as well as the agricultural sector is part of the system, the lifestyle of the man's life in this world.