Fig. 2. Lytic activity of the Guc fruits extracts against M. luteus 745. The different letters are significantly different
4. Conclusion
This study has revealed the antimicrobial activity of the Gac fruit extracts with different solvents. The results
lend credence to the used of Gac fruit as a functional food to promote a healthy lifestyle. The present study
supports the idea that Gac fruit could be promising source of antimicrobial agents for food industry.
The authors are thankful to the laboratory staffs for offering facilities to carryout this study.
2.4 Lytic activity
The 2.88 ml of the Micrococcus luteus 745 working suspension was placed in a cuvette, an aliquot (120 l) of each Gac extract solution was added, followed by repeated inversions for 20 seconds.
Lytic activity, expressed as percent of the activities with respect to that of the distilled water, was estimated as the initial velocity of the
decrease in turbidity of the cells monitored at 700 nm with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 37 C within 2 minutes.
2.5 Statistical Analysis
Data were expressed as Mean±Standard Deviation. The obtained data were subjected to ANOVA test to
analyze whether there was significant difference between each extract.
For the Lytic activity against Staphylococcus aureus