The mass of the buoy is assumed to be M = 1000 kg. When the buoy is
moving in the water, it will entrain (move) some amount of water with it. This
phenomenon gives rise to the term added mass, which is the mass of the water
that moves along with the buoy as it oscillates in the water. When formulating
a dynamic model of the buoy system the mass used is the sum of the buoy mass
and the added mass. According to the calculation in Ref. [8], the added mass
mr(1) for the buoy in this report is 289 kg. Since the buoy is moving relative
to the water, the radiation resistance Rr, which depends on the geometry of
the buoy and the wave frequency [11], will have an e↵ect on the motion of the
buoy. Rr is calculated to be 16 Ns/m [8]. In addition, the viscous damping Rv
will also play a role in the dynamics, which is calculated to be 717 Ns/m [8].
All the necessary parameters are in Table 2. After taking all these e↵ects into
consideration we have the system described as Eq. (2.21) and Eq. (2.22)