Table 2
Means (S.D.) and percentage change (%) for the massage therapy and standard treatment group for immediate effects (pre-/postsession) on first and last days
Massage group Control group
First day Last day First day Last day
Variables Pre/post % Pre/post % Pre/post % Pre/post %
Immediate effects
Anxiety (STAI) 37(14)a/27(13)b** 27%# 35(10)a/25(8)b** 29%# 32(9)a/30(6)a 6%# 35(12)a/32(9)a 6%#
Mood (POMS)
Depression 12(11)a/3(3)b** 75%# 7(7)b/3(4)b 57%# 4(4)b/3(3)b 25% # 6(7)b/5(7)b 17%#
Anger 10(8)a/2(2)b** 80%# 3(3)b/2(2)b 33%# 5(5)b/5(4)b 0% 3(4)b/4(5)b 33%z
Vigor 21(7)a/21(5)a 0% 19(6)a/21(6)a 11%z 18(5)a/18(5)a 0% 18(7)a/19(6)a 6%z
Lower numbers are optimal for all variables, except POMS vigor. Same letter subscripts (a,a) indicate that the two means were not significantly different,
whereas different letter subscripts (a,b) indicate means that attained significance at P < .05 or **P < .01. Percent sign indicates percent of increase or decrease
for pre-/postmeasures in the two columns preceding the percent sign.