slotted or double tube, or slotted tube and rod, all with pointed ends.
Take >500 g sample, 1 kg preferred, as follows: Lay bag horizontally and remove core
diagonally from end to end. Determine number of cores as follows: From lots of 1-10 bags,
sample all bags; from lot of >11, sample 10 bags. Take 1 core from each bag sampled, except
that for lots of 1-4 bags take enough diagonal cores from each bag to total > 5 cores. For bulk
feed draw > 10 cores from different regions; in sampling small containers 1 sample is enough.
Reduce composite sample to amount required, preferably by riffling, or by mixing thoroughly on
clean oil cloth or paper. Place sample in air tight container.
A sample from less than these numbers of bags may be declared official if guarantor agrees. For
samples that cannot be representatively taken with probe described, use other sampling means.