The lower gas velocity in the throat and the flow rateof 6 L/min generated a liquid jet penetration in the cen-tral region of the throat, which better distributed thedrops inside the throat, increasing efficiency, decreasingthe fraction of liquid film on the walls, which does notcollect PM. Values of 86% efficiency were achieved forthe 0.18–0.32 μm range and 70% for diameters less than0.056 μm, which were very satisfactory values for suchthin diameters. The jet penetration calculation was per-formed according to Viswanathan et al. (1983), in which1.75 cm was the ideal penetration value — half of the3.5 cm height of the throat. The liquid film fraction pro-file was drawn according to Viswanathan et al. (1997) forcalculations.