But there’s more. In the Berlin monument such excess emerges not as an exception, but an aspect of that alienation built into the modern human condition. «Nothing of what is considered human must outrage us» sustained Adorno. The unimportance of death is the other face of the unimportance of living. It is in modernity that there are mass deaths because mass society exists. Therefore with its grid consisting of 2700 concrete stelae which are about a metre wide, a little less than two and a half metres deep and its height measures between zero and four metres, the monument is, implicitly, an urban structure, the individual and collective dimensions of which are associated with each other without ever coming to a conclusion: a model of a city without squares, nor monuments, made only of roads that allow the transit of only one person and that do not lead anywhere; in fact it is an anonymous, anti-monumental non-city, it is even out of scale, that one can appreciate only by entering and passing through it without really knowing for what reason.