3. Blocking the Nose and Lips
Step 1
Extrude another edge from the lower eye and drag it towards the nose area.
Step 2
Next, select two more edges and then Extrude and move them down to the lip. Also arrange the vertices in the left and front viewports according to the reference images.
Step 3
Select all three upper extruded edges and go to the Edit panel, click on the Subdivide button and keep the Number of Cuts value at 3. This will add additional edges to the mesh.
Step 4
Through the same process, I have also subdivided the other parts of the mesh.
Step 5
Now, arrange the vertices carefully in the Front view, just as I have shown below.
Step 6
To weld the vertices together, select two corresponding vertices and press Alt-M. In the fly out menu, select At Center to merge the selected vertices.
Step 7
Using this technique I have merged all of the corresponding vertices together.
Step 8
Jump into the Perspective view by going to View > View Perspective (or by pressing 5 on the Numpad) to add some more detail and arrange the vertices to create a realistic sense of depth for the face.
Step 9
Select the two edges indicated below on the upper nose and Extrude them twice. Move the extruded edges down a bit towards the lower nose.
Step 10
Jump into the Front view and merge the corresponding vertices together as shown in the following image.
Step 11
Also arrange the extruded vertices according to the side reference image in the Side view.
Step 12
Extrude the two edges along the upper lip a little to create a thin outline for the lip.