Not to mention, if this was an impossibility, then why would the Orthodoxy’s virtuous forebears, from hundreds of years past, had gone through the trouble of carefully noting down this medical case study within the addendum of the Four Classics of Meditation?
Chen Chang Sheng dared to make such a hypothesis because he had encountered a lot of difficult questions on his path to cultivation. The fact that he could illuminate his Fated Star, was proof of his divine sense being suitably vast and powerful; logic would dictate that his cultivation should be successful, yet who could have predicted that it would instead stall at the stage of Purification and continue to do so for half a year.
Even if it was due to his meridian lines being different, which made it impossible to Purify in the same way others do, where did all the Starlight go to? Did it just dissipate without a trace?
No, this was something he couldn’t possibly believe. Having spent so many nights doing this, he had long started to suspect something; this was unreasonable. If it could be said that Heaven’s Way rewarded diligence, then who could compare with his diligence? Though of course, if Heaven’s Way was unfair, then he had nothing else he could say, but at this moment in time, he still held onto the view that out of the process of guiding Starlight to undergo Purification, he had fulfilled the requirement of guiding Starlight.
Yet, even an expert such as Jin Yu Lu, couldn’t sense any traces of True Essence from within his body, if the Starlight was really contained within his body, then where would it be? How was he to find its location and then make use of it?
Just as how one would seek their Fated Star, if you wanted to inquire the state your own body, you are your own best observer.
Chen Chang Sheng was aware of the method.
That method was Meditation.
Cultivation required the illumination of a Fated Star, then Purification, then meditative introspection. This sequence was immutable; any transpositions would cause either injury or death without exception. Countless years ago, there were cultivators that attempted to forge new methods, but now, no one dared to try such a reckless endeavour.