All the mistakes this student has made may not exactly mean that she does not improve her English version. Rather, the author regarded this phenomenon as an in-progress status while becoming proficient in the TL or English language her. Another example is the use of the word tried, which should be tiredness and tired in the first and second sentence, respectively. The word is not revised even though it is a common mistake the author always emphasizes.
Like 5.3, there are not so many unrevised sentences, but some comments are provided by the participants which can best explain this phenomenon, as follows:
— As this course has provided me with knowledge about a lot of fields of study, there are times when I spend too much attention to one thing/rule and ignore another one I used to do correctly. The one I ignore because I think I know usually goes wrong. That made me sad. I love the revision my instructor made because it helps me to move forward.
— I learned a lot from friends. The instructor is mean sometimes and she always scolds us or makes jokes about our mistakes. But, unbelievably, those mistakes made me laugh in class but also made me remember better in the real job and the finals.
— The best way to translate well is to understand the text in the source language (SL) first. Then, we start translating.
If not, the TL text can never be good or precise.
— A good translator must be a good reader, a good listener, and a good writer.
— Before attending this course, I thought that I just come to class and translate. I have never known that to be able to become a good translator, I need good grammar and vocabulary. I just enlightened when joining this class.