Students’ positive perception of teacher using humor in classroom
Majority (6 0f 8) of the participants demonstrated their positive perceptions toward teacher’s use of humor as the part of his teaching strategy over different cultures of different countries. (Khan) a Pakistani student said, “I Think students learn different cultures through these jokes”. A Philippine student (David) and two Pakistani students (Taha and Noor) also considered humor as the positive approach for learning in a language class. David said, “Jokes energize the tired students and refresh them to pay attention to the classroom activities”. (Num) a Thai student added, “Jokes on different nationalities enhance their learning to deal with international friends”. (Akito) a Japanese student said;
I am not so serious about the use of jokes but some may think it’s funny. Some may think it offend them. Joke is the real life situation and it gives us an aspect of life how people look us and what they feel about us. We can improve ourselves and understand what they feel and like how we act toward them.
In short, the excerpts taken from the interviews of participants exemplified why these students liked their teacher using humor in class activities.