Quick that goes back, Qing Shui places Secret School them, stayed for day directly to use Five Elemental Divine Flag to leave.
Knows foe who Qing Sha in Western Niu He Territory, Qing Shui knows that matter not how thorny, what is more important is needs Qing Sha to complete, under oneself most slightly lend a hand, making her depressing for a long time evil qi to vent.
Fortunately, the Qing Sha strength is also very strong, generally speaking, the matter is very smooth, was Complete Accomplishment solves.
Returns to Imperial Dining Hall, unknowingly delayed was very long, returned to Central Territory while convenient, brought two Qing Family people.
This Qing Shui must have a look truly.
The saying good-bye family member, these time also lived in less than one week of time in Imperial Dining Hall once more, then leaves directly, Feng Wu Territory nobody will provoke himself in any case easily, own manner has been clear, is the strength, words that does not keep eyes open is courts death.
Now Qing Shui must go is continuously the caring place.
Demon King Palace!
Before will feel inferior before that woman, that only self-respect does not want again scarlet. Bare erasing, therefore he has been trying hard, hopes one day to go to Demon King Palace to look for her frankly and uprightly.
No matter others said that she is fearful, no matter Demon King Palace is four big evil strengths, these are unimportant, he looks what is this woman, he believes her, even if and anybody he must help her for the enemy.
Let alone Qing Shui felt that she is not such person, some rumors, initially some people want to her to be illegal, but has gotten down the most poisonous spring ~ medicine, for the pure body, the seal gets up unexpectedly, muddleheaded have solved her seal, then had the following matter.
Qing Shui does not know to have love regarding her, but since had anything, moreover such matter, must complete with every effort, he has bumped only if the woman she must leave itself, otherwise Qing Shui will leave behind her with every effort.
Calculates that also had met several times, in addition divine consciousness that to finally simply said two words, must know before , was the words had not said that this was progressive.
Three territory intersection points!
Qing Shui left Feng Wu Territory, he entered the vast desolateness, said is desolated, but is not wild, the person who because here is occupied by are few, and danger.
Only knows a general direction regarding Demon King Palace, heard that also does not know that does not permit, and has many evil forces area this, naturally is most formidable by four big evil forces.
Enters this desolated place to know that here vastness, looked to see many mountainous regions, forests and rivers, had the plain, some scattered village and town anything, but in not deep place.
Qing Shui only heard that Demon King Palace in Cloud Break Mountain, that is a mountain Qing Shui show Spiritual Qi sufficient mountain range, is very big, is only in three intersection point quite deep places.
Four big evil forces positions are quite it is said deep . Moreover the distance is also very far, four influences have the battle also to have the cooperation, naturally is not comprehensive, for example two influence battles, have cooperated, has not heard completely.
Half a month later, for half a month Qing Shui often will use Kyushu Shift, but the majority of time were riding Hellflame Phoenix, he feared to miss, but vast bog and inland sea time will use Kyushu Shift . Moreover the distance was as far as possible a near-point.
Suddenly front transmits sonorous war sound, this is a piano music, seems also mixing with the sound of battle drum, listening to make one one's blood bubbles up to the brim.