Modern Thai politic can be traced back when king Chulalongkorn initiated the reform
programme. The modern western style had been implemented such as education, railways,
public health and police, etc. Since the war of 1932, the Thai politics has been opened to new
group of people, mainly bureaucrats which were originated from the great reform by king
Chulalongkorn. This bureaucracy was the major source of employment for educated Thai and
became the main source of power in the Thai politics for decades. Some observers regard the
Thai bureaucracy as a social system with its own values. (Wilson, 1983). Over 1932 to early
1973. the Thai politics was a matter of competition between bureaucratic cliques for the
benefit of government. There is no doubt that the most powerful group of bureaucracy in
Thailand was the army which was well organized and well established had come out on top of
competition. Some political writers terms this period as a semi-democratic era.