1. cut off the top part of a large plastic beverage bottle
2. soak the bottle in warm water first to make the plastic easier to cut
3. cut shapes of fish from white cardboard, and color them brightly with crayons or markers
4. poke a hole in each fish, and tie a piece of string through the hole
5. tape the strings to the inside bottom of the bottle so that the fish hang down when the bottle is turned upside down
6.place the upside -down bottle on a thick piece of cardboard, and trace around the opening
7. cut out the circle you have made, and glue a piece of felt or construction paper over it
8. twist different-colored pipe cleaners into the shapes of seaweed and coral
9. glue these onto the "ocean floor" for decoration
10. then turn the bottle upside down over the cardboard, and glue it in place, using several layers of glue
11. draw and cut out of felt or paper the letters of the word "aquarium"
12. glue them to the top of the bottle