The most popular approach to time in the W&O Pychology literature has been that of time as a defining element of a construct. Using the PsycInfo database, within the Industrial and Organisational Psychology field, and doing a simple search with “time” as a keyword, we found 277 peer-reviewed journal papers during the period. A cursory look at the abstracts reveals that many researchers have been interested in time as an element of a construct. Authors have investigated, for instance, constructs referring to subjective time, such as time pressure, time strain, time demands, time urgency, or time orientation and their relationships with other constructs. For example, Syrek, Apostel, and Antoni studied the influence of time pressure on exhaustion and work-life balance. Castro studied the interaction between time demands and gender role, and how this interaction has important implications for career advancement. Or Zimbardo and Boyd were interested in time perspective as a personality-related construct that helps to understand how people build their time experience.