I had a pretty bad experience at this spot.
The park consists of maybe 40 different 'flights' and the experience requires a lot of climbing and balancing on metal ropes and very little jumping across trees. However there was nothing fundamentally wrong with the setup and the location.
What made me regret giving this business my money was the unbelievably disrespectful staff, which seem to behave as if they couldn't possibly suffer any consequences for disrespecting their customers. They raised their voice (!!) with some people whenever they didn't understand their instructions the first time and a few occasions I even caught them badmouthing some foreigners in Thai, safe in their presumption that nobody could understand them. At the end one of them even talked back aggressively at a woman who asked if her family could have a ride back to town early (a ride which they had already paid for).
I've seen some pretty rude people in the tourism industry in Thailand over the years, but these people definitely take the cake.