The PLO was accorded observer status at UNESCO in 1974. In 1989, an application for the admission of Palestine as a member state was submitted by a group of seven states during the 131st session of UNESCO's Executive Board.[139] The board postponed a decision until the next session, and the item was included on each session's agenda thereafter, being repeatedly deferred.[140] During the board's 187th session in September 2011, a draft resolution was presented by 24 states requesting that the application be considered and Palestine be granted membership in the organisation. Following consultations between the representatives of the 58-member board, the draft resolution was put for voting on 5 October. The board voted in favour of recommending the application, winning the approval of 40 states.[141][143] The resolution to admit Palestine as the agency's 195th member state was adopted at the 36th General Conference on 31 October.[144] Of the 185 dues-paying members eligible for voting, 107 were in favour, 14 were against, 52 abstained and 12 were absent.[145][146] The resolution was submitted by a total of 43 states.[147] Its membership was ratified on 23 November.[148