The CERES-Wheat cropping system model (CSCER045-Wheat)
of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer
(DSSAT 4.5) package (Hoogenboom et al., 2010) was used to
analyse the response of winter durum wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,
cv Simeto) to the physical and hydraulic modifications of the soil
induced by biochar application. The soil water balance in DSSAT is
based on one-dimensional soil water balance approach (Jones
et al., 2003). The surface soil conditions and layer-by-layer soil
water holding capacity and conductivity characteristics were
analyzed. In more detail, the available water of each layer of the soil
profile is defined by the drained upper limit, the lower limit and
the saturated water content. The model calculates the infiltration
as the difference between the rainfall/irrigation and the runoff. The
latter is determined using the USDA-SCS curve number technique
defined as a function of various hydrologic conditions, slops and
conservation practices of the soil. This estimates the total daily
runoff rate from the total daily precipitation. Drainage takes place
The CERES-Wheat cropping system model (CSCER045-Wheat)of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer(DSSAT 4.5) package (Hoogenboom et al., 2010) was used toanalyse the response of winter durum wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,cv Simeto) to the physical and hydraulic modifications of the soilinduced by biochar application. The soil water balance in DSSAT isbased on one-dimensional soil water balance approach (Joneset al., 2003). The surface soil conditions and layer-by-layer soilwater holding capacity and conductivity characteristics wereanalyzed. In more detail, the available water of each layer of the soilprofile is defined by the drained upper limit, the lower limit andthe saturated water content. The model calculates the infiltrationas the difference between the rainfall/irrigation and the runoff. Thelatter is determined using the USDA-SCS curve number techniquedefined as a function of various hydrologic conditions, slops andconservation practices of the soil. This estimates the total dailyrunoff rate from the total daily precipitation. Drainage takes place
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