FTIR-Raman spectra were conducted to confirm the covalent biding between the antibody and PDA showing the characteristicpeaks due to the C C and CC backbone stretching vibra-tions as well as indicating the antibody incorporation. The antibody incorporation is important to improve the PDA biosensor specificityensuring security for consumers.The work followed through concomitant study of pH, incubationtemperature, incubation time and antibody concentration; where infor each response variable (colorimetric response, size and zetapotential) the factors influenced the research in different ways. Ingeneral, PDA/antibody system sensitivity was improved as soon as the particle size reduced which caused more interfacial area avail-able to realize the interaction between Salmonella and the antibody.This size was affected mainly by the antibody concentration that made PDA system packaging difficult due to its large size.Another observation was the particle aggregation at high tem-perature over time for vesicles without Salmonella’s presence,improved system size (from 300 nm to 700 nm) and zeta poten-tial (from −30 to −20). After Salmonella’s addition, the interactionbetween the bacteria and the antibody stabilized PDA/antibodyvesicles over time keeping the particle size and the zeta poten-tial constant; while incubation temperature influenced mainlySalmonella’s development improving zeta potential. Once both Salmonella and the antibody have negative superficial charge, theirinteraction was via affinity rather than electrostatic interaction.This study concludes that clear conditions are very importantfor PDA biosensor performance, and that sensitivity and stabil-ity depend on size, zeta potential and colorimetric response. Asensitivity biosensor is important for laboratory analysis, and theextreme condition of pH, temperature and antibody concentra-tion facilitates color transition by making easy distortion of PDA-conjugated chain [11–14] however, for intelligent packagingstorage during long periods of time, the conditions should beminimum to avoid stability problems and color change withoutbacteria’s presence. Therefore, this study helped improve sensitiv-ity and stability of PDA/antibody biosensor by manipulating the system’s conditions thus making the results of the present researchapplicable in food and laboratory area.