Read further to learn some of the reasons
the LI-6400XT is the choice of
scientists around the world, including:
■ Proven technology that places the
gas analyzers in the sensor head,
to provide rapid response and
eliminate time delays.
■ An open system design that allows
complete control over environmental
variables of interest.
■ A flexible, open source software
language in the LI-6400XT console
that can be modified to write your
own equations or AutoPrograms,
providing an unprecedented level
of automation.
■ Powerful networking capability via
Ethernet connectivity, providing a
world of data output, file-sharing,
and training possibilities.
■ A variety of leaf chambers and light
sources, a leaf chamber fluorometer,
and soil CO2 flux chamber that are
interchangeable with the same
LI-6400XT sensor head.
■ Worldwide service, support, and
training that ensures your purchase
of the LI-6400XT remains a smart
investment for years to come.
Read further to learn some of the reasonsthe LI-6400XT is the choice ofscientists around the world, including:■ Proven technology that places thegas analyzers in the sensor head,to provide rapid response andeliminate time delays.■ An open system design that allowscomplete control over environmentalvariables of interest.■ A flexible, open source softwarelanguage in the LI-6400XT consolethat can be modified to write yourown equations or AutoPrograms,providing an unprecedented levelof automation.■ Powerful networking capability viaEthernet connectivity, providing aworld of data output, file-sharing,and training possibilities.■ A variety of leaf chambers and lightsources, a leaf chamber fluorometer,and soil CO2 flux chamber that areinterchangeable with the sameLI-6400XT sensor head.■ Worldwide service, support, andtraining that ensures your purchaseof the LI-6400XT remains a smartinvestment for years to come.
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