The probiotic cells ofL. paracasei Lpc-37 were prepared by
cultivating in 100 mL MRS at 37
C for 24 h under anaerobic
condition. The culture was then centrifuged (10,000g)at4
C for
15 min. The cell sediment was subjected to wash with sterile normal saline solution (2 times). The cell pellet was re-suspended
in 10 mL normal saline and used as a fresh probiotic cell for supplementing in banana purée. The quantity of the fresh probiotic
cells in banana purée was adjusted to 8 log CFU/g and the cultured
purée was added to the bottom of the container as fruit base.‘Kluai
Khai’ banana (Musa acuminate, AA group) was chosen as the best
kind among the other two types namely‘Kluai Hom Thong’ (Musa
acuminate, AAA group, ‘Gros Michel’) and ‘Kluai Namwa’ (Musa x
paradisiaca,ABB group), when they were used in a study on
comparison of the indegenous banana cultivars and types of oligofructose and inulin on growth and survival offive specific probiotics (including the aforementioned bacterium) (data not shown
and shall be reported elsewhere).