Differential gene expression was analyzed by pairwise comparison for
each experimental set. Out of 34,398 only 952 geneswere found differentially
expressed that were statistically significant (after ANOVA, p =
0.05). Among these, the total number of genes expressed at fold change
≥2.0 was 388 (Fig. 3A and B). Out of 388 genes the number of upregulated
genes was 215 after siRNA hTERT treatment and 183 after shRNA
hTERT treatment; among these, 80 genes were commonly upregulated
(the degree of concordance was 21%, Fig. 3C). On the other hand, the
number of downregulated genes was 173 after siRNA–hTERT treatment
and 205 after shRNA–hTERT treatment; among these, 73 genes were
commonly downregulated (the degree of concordance was 19%) as
shown in Venn diagram (Fig. 3D).