2. Explant Sterilization Explants were washed in running water for 1 hr, then soaked in Antracol fungicide (active compound: 70% propineb) for 30 min. Thereafter, the explants was dried in a Petri dish atop a layer of sterilized Whatman no 1 filter paper. Inside a laminar air flow bench, explants were soaked in 70% alcohol for 2 min. The explants was then washed with sterile distilled water. Subsequently, the explants was sterilized in 50% chlorox (sodium hypochlorite) + 2 drops of Tween-20 for 10 min for the explants near the root and 20% chlorox + 2 drops of Tween-20 for 10 min for explants near the shoot. All explants was washed 3 times with sterile distilled water. The explants were then dried in a Petri dish atop a layer of sterilized filter paper.