As we would be deploying 5S at your operation sites in next few weeks, let us get ready with the necessary 5S kit.
(1) The “banner, three posters & red tag area signage” artwork are as attached. The size & details as bellow email. Each operation site should have this displayed.
(2) Apart from that warehouse & safety posters are attached in the PPT. These can be printed in our office in A3 sheet (color) and laminate them.
(3) Also the 5S communication board details is there in the 5S kit pdf doc. We can convert any existing notice board or buy an off-the-shelve one.
Apart from that other information’s like color scheme can be seen in the 5S kit pdf file.
You can see examples of the 5S deployed at our APLL warehouses in other locations. It would give an idea of how you can do it at your operation site.
It doesn’t cost much, in Singapore the banner & three posters & red tag signage together costs ~S$160/-, and notice board ~S$200/-. So may be cheaper at your place.
Pls let me know at the soonest if you could cater these items at your place.