• arrears due at the date of termination are payable;
• the debtor is liable to pay damages if he or she has failed to take reasonable
care of the goods (fair wear and tear excepted);
• the debtor must return the goods when the creditor calls to collect them;
• the debtor must pay to the creditor such sum (if any) as brings the total
paid by the debtor up to half the total price agreed. However, this provision does not apply where the agreement makes no such provision or provides that a smaller sum is payable or a court orders that a smaller sum is payable. It is this provision which the debtor should consider carefully before terminating, as termination could prove very costly. As an alternative to termination, he or she might be able to re-negotiate the contract and pay smaller amounts over a longer period. The debtor might also consider the possibility of re-financing the debt, so that the creditor can be paid off in full.