The indifferent teacher is not very involved in the classroom.
This teacher places few demands, if any, on the students and appears generally uninterested.
The indifferent teacher just doesn’t want to impose on the students and often feels that class preparation is not worth the effort.
Things like field trips and special projects are out of the question.
This teacher simply won’t take the necessary preparation time and may use the same materials, year after year. Also, classroom discipline is lacking.
This teacher may lack the skills, confidence, or courage to discipline students.
The indifferent teacher is not very involved in the classroom. This teacher places few demands, if any, on the students and appears generally uninterested. The indifferent teacher just doesn’t want to impose on the students and often feels that class preparation is not worth the effort. Things like field trips and special projects are out of the question. This teacher simply won’t take the necessary preparation time and may use the same materials, year after year. Also, classroom discipline is lacking. This teacher may lack the skills, confidence, or courage to discipline students.
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