Tere is no space in this short chapter to describe all the stages of organization given in the book, but brietly the next step to take main concept indicated by the task analysis and the criterion behaviour a and to put these into a logical sequence. Then it is necessary to derive from each concept and to write each rule a separate card. Each sequence of rules is tested in a matrix and adjustments are made until the best sequence is arrived at. (In writing this chapter, for instance, this advice was invaluable in deciding upon the best order in which to present the principles of programmed learning. It is unlikely that for any given material there will be one perfect pattern, but some sequences are certainly better than others, although not everyone would probably agree as to which was the best. The main aim is to link concepts so that the whole programme or course flows smoothly. With the principles of programmed learning for example the endeavor was relate the aims objectives to the material, and the material to the student in a broken sequence.. it Once concepts and rules have been organised is a fairly simple matter to add examples to each rule and to expand the programme or course internally in the form of frames, exercises,project, etc An instance of a concept with a related rule and example, might be