Objective for study:
- To study about marketing of company
- To study problem in this department
- To cooperative working with another person
- To advertise new product of company
Problem analysis:
While do the project have the problem are:
1. The location it is not support to do the booth
2. The product is not enough to give people
3. The staff is not enough
So we have to resolve the problem by:
1. Contact with the owner of the location first and go to see the real location
before do the booth
2. Prepare the product more than people that you expect
3. Announch the manager to find staff more
And after we solved the problem the process have more better and we can do the event facility more than old method
I have learned a lot of work for 4 months that I was in the part of Sermsuk Public Company Limited Company. They gave me more information, techniques, and activities. Especially, My supervisor who gave me all of knowledge and skill working. Moreover, she looks after me very well. I got a nice experience with Sermsuk Public Company Limited.
I think, I can do everything that supervisor assigned me to do it, I have more responsible to do all job that supervisor give me to do it’s make me to do the new thing that I have never done before so it’s challenge and force me can do it Then, I can do hard working or easy working, documents, helping all workers in department.
According my advantage is I can solve a problem by myself, So that help supervisor solve some problem immediately by supervisor not to order me. And my disadvantage is some job, I’m learning slowly that make some problem I can not solve it by myself.
About My job not relate with my subject of university, but I must to try more skill and my knowledge for help my supervisor and worker in department though good work and does not create problem to anyone.