Who are you?" you asked
"Whoever u want me to be?" I answered
I can be anything and anybody. I'm not a man, I'm not a woman. I'm not a straight, I'm not a gay, I'm not into people in sexual way. My position is beyond, somewhere in space, i'm alien who got here by chance.
"I am you, You are me" - kinda position of love that exists in the universe, that I tryna to keep in my heart
Life imitates ART, and i believe that. Watching life throught the prism of art is my lifestyle, i would die without creative activities.
It doesn't matter how many people give me advice, I follow my heart
My spirit is free, any stereotypes are broken for me, I don't care what people say and think about me. They have their own opinions and they are theirs, it doesn't connect with me no way. U can take a piece of silver and say to it "You are shit", but a silver stays a silver anyway, but the shit that you said will settle down in your soul in any case.
You should go straight inside as the world outside becomes the difficult place to return. The most important thing for me is having a vivid world within and live there. Coz the reality will never suit your expectations. I am a visionary person, it is not a problem to think up and see the world as I want to see it in my reality.
I always had a melancholy caused desiring. Sadness is a new happiness. Sad and dark steps in my life are as much inpiring as art is. I would say sadness itself is art. It connects together creating the metamorphosis in your mind that runs in your veins then and reborns you to something new and fresh.
I prefer the aesthetic beauty than sexual attraction. An aesthetic beauty is something unbreakable as photographs and people's minds can save it. A sexual attraction and all things are resulted from are the animal desires. I am not an animal, I don't have insticts. I will not allow anybody to blacken myself with your completely destroyed innocence and blurred consciousness.
I am a vegetarian. I am the one coz I have a choice in my head. I do not believe doctors and some commercials nowadays, they are goddamn liars. I do not follow any instincts as lot's of human beings do, coz I have a choise to be free without chains of this lust world.
I'd rather die, but I will fight for my interests and philosophy.