The three cultural dimensions—power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism—serve as the independent variables. It has been indicated that the
work on work-related cultural dimensions undertaken by Hofstede (1980, 2001) is considered internationally as a robust model in cross-cultural studies. In particular, researchers
have devoted much attention to Hofstede’s work-related cultural values, but it is notable
that despite the apparent lasting relevance of these ideas, the data were gathered three
decades ago now, and are somewhat dated. In gathering data from Saudi Arabia, the current
study re-visits three of Hofstede’s (1980, 2001) cultural dimensions in a specific setting
that Hofstede himself did not explore as a separate entity, his score being based on a cluster
of Arab countries.
To do this, it employs a quantitative questionnaire in which the three
cultural dimensions are measured as shown in Table 1