(d) Government officials and civil servants of the Borrower’s country may only be hired under consulting contracts in the Borrower’s country, either as individuals or as members of the team of experts proposed by a consulting firm, provided that such hiring does not conflict with any employment or other laws or regulations, or policies of the Borrower’s country and if they (i) are on leave of absence without pay, or have resigned or retired; (ii) are not being hired by the agency they were working for before going on leave of absence without pay, resigning, or retiring11; and (iii) their hiring would not create a conflict of interest (see paragraph 1.9).
(e) A firm or an individual sanctioned by the Bank in accordance with paragraph 1.23(d) of these Guidelines or in accordance with the World Bank Group anti-corruption policies and sanctions procedures12 shall be ineligible to be awarded a Bank-financed contract, or to benefit from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner, during such period of time as the Bank shall determine.