adverb, compar. of far with farthest as superl.
at or to a greater distance:
He went farther down the road.
at or to a more advanced point:
They are going no farther in their studies.
at or to a greater degree or extent:
The application of the law was extended farther.
adjective, compar. of far with farthest as superl.
more distant or remote than something or some place nearer:
the farther side of the mountain.
extending or tending to a greater distance:
He made a still farther trip.
Nonstandard. further (defs 5, 6).
Generally, the farther an area is from the equator, the longer and colder are its winters.
farther north, summer days and winter nights are even longer.
For heading, you cut farther back on the shoot than you would for pinching.
comparative of far adverb : to a greater distance:
How much farther is it to the airport?
The fog's so thick, I can't see farther than about ten metres.