Have you ever imagined a new world ? A place totally different form the everyday world we live in ? Two month ago I took a vacation and such a place And I’m going to tell you about it today The word I’m talking about is the coral reefs along Thailand's coasts With some friend I visited Ko Samui where we rented a bungalow on Chaweng Beach On the first day we noticed swimmers going into the water with find on their feet and round masks on their faces the masks had a long tube Called a snorkel and what they were doing is called snorkeling Let's try it, my friend said A few minutes later we were walking through the shallow water the fins quite awkward Soon the sandy bottom became rocky, and now our fins gave us power as we began to swim our masks giving us a clear view of the bottom Then the coral reef appeared, a mass of different colored rock like structure overgrown with sea life . Fish with yellow and orange stripes, fins like fans or bright blue in color swam close by. They seemed careful but curious at our presence Farther down , we saw starfish, clams and even octopus, and as the water got deeper , bigger fish could be seen .after a whole afternoon of viewing these scenes, we returned, we returned to dry land , tried but excited about our new experience of the undersea world In conclusion. I know some pepper enjoy Harry Potter or Star Wars as fictional ways to experience other worlds. But I think that not enough Thais have experienced a world that is much closer than fiction (or than foreign countries, for that matter) the world of the coral reefs