Safety Found in Every Bite
• NPPC is recognized as best in the industry for its outstanding safety performance. In 2010, the company maintained a Recordable Injury Frequency Rate that was 47 percent below the industry average. Additionally, its Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate in 2010 was 45 percent below the industry average, with 11 plants working the entire year with no lost time injuries.
• NPPC uses a four-fold strategy to ensure that its products are safe for animals, people, and the environment. This prevention-based approach is designed to manage regulatory compliance and anticipate public concerns with current and future products and operations. It includes measures for all key risk areas with methods for setting clear standards; providing training; and performing audits, inspections, and process improvement.
• NPPC exceeds all food safety standards specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Association of American Feed Control Officials, and federal regulations under Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points programs.